Today's Essentials.
Generate original songs effortlessly in over 35 genres with MusicStar.AI. Perfect for artists, producers, and music lovers seeking inspiration. Free account with monthly limits.
AI writing assistant that simplifies content creation for teams by generating articles, brainstorming ideas, translating text, and integrating with over 1000 tools. Boost productivity easily.
Hire AI
Get matched with remote developers quickly and easily, saving time and money while improving hiring accuracy and candidate experience.
Outworks AI
Automated tool for LinkedIn that quickly creates comments for you, saving time and fostering connections to boost your personal brand.
Boost your productivity with a browser extension that offers advanced AI features to help you work faster and smarter online.
Get help with writing music and distributing it easily with this affordable and user-friendly music assistant. It generates chords, crafts lyrics, and more.
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